Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 2--January 7th

The announcement came across the loudspeaker, "Due to the inclement weather, the office will be closing at 3:00 today. Drive carefully!"

Since 3:00 was my scheduled time to work out, my first reaction was, "Cool, I won't have to run today!"

Then my conscience spoke up, "Go now then." Silly conscience, always has an answer for everything..

Just as I determined I was going to go run at 2:00 instead, my friend who was going to work out with me called and asked if our meeting was cancelled since we were leaving early.

"No", I pouted. "How about 2:00 instead?"

"Great!" she answered. "See you then!"

Well, it seemed as if day two was going to happen so I took a deep breath, grabbed my bag and headed over to the White house for another go at this Couch to 5K thing.

As I warmed up and began running, it seemed that having someone to talk to made the workout so much easier. I don't remember thinking, as I had the time before, that my calves were on fire and that the next morning they would find me in my bed, a victim of spontaneous combustion; the investigators report would read, "According to the burn patterns, the fire originated in the calf area." No sir-ee, not this calves were feeling fine! No fire hose, forensic investigator, or CPR required.

That's when it began, a small bright white light with its slow spreading glow, whispered, "Hey, you can do this."

When I walked back to my desk, backpack over my shoulder, a co-worker passed me in the hall and asked if I was leaving for the day. With a puzzled look and voice filled with questions, I said, "No, I just got back from the White house."

I wasn't sure what had just happened over there, or why I was feeling good, but I knew, somehow, that this journey was going to be a good one. Despite the pain or hard work, in the end, it would bring more benefits than I was expecting.

As I drove home from work, surprisingly, I wanted to run again! "What is happening to me!?" I wondered. Just a taste of success, just a hint of hope, and I'm longing for it again so soon? Even though it's hard work and can bring pain or exhaustion?

That's when my newly oxygenated brain said, "Just like a small taste of Jesus, it is never enough, no matter the cost." true. That silly Conscience was pretty smart sometimes. I apologized to Him for my earlier comment. He said it was ok, He gets that a lot. I like a Conscience with a thick skin.

Until Sunday....!


  1. Keep going Kasey...You can DO IT..YOU CAN DO ANYTHING! I'll be running this same event also...and so will Audi. Hugs!

  2. Cool, we can run together! You can beat me...the old lady with the new hip will come in before I do. I'm ok with that.
