Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 3--January 11th

Ok, so day three is behind me. There was no time to run at work today so as soon as I walked in the house, my suit was replaced with sweatpants and a tee-shirt, high heels with pink and black Nike's. I knew that if I didn't run ASAP, I wouldn't run at all. Then I'd be smothered with guilt for the rest of the week. Being the selfish creature I am, I couldn't carry that kind of load around.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Anyway, the run tonight was tough. My treadmill only fits in one spot in our bedroom...looking directly into my closet. Talk about being mocked. I swear there was an old halter dress somewhere in there laughing at me.

What is it with women and their clothes? Is fitting into a old pair of jeans a good enough reason to motivate me to endure this kind of punishment? Around about minute 22 I was seriously doubting that anything would be motivation enough. Well, except maybe a big old bag of chocolate... Those elastic waist band pants weren't really that ugly, if you had a nice top to go with 'em...

Of course, it's been typical that in about the last few minutes of my workout my mind finally gets quiet, all my smart remarks and far out musings take a back seat to the effort needed to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other and to breathe. I think that's when God takes a sigh of relief because He can finally get a word in edgewise.

As I stared at the closet full of clothes that didn't fit, God reminded me of something.

There's a saying that whatever is worth doing, is worth doing right. However, that saying is subject to my interpretation of what is worth doing.

God was telling me that whatever is right is worth doing. That's a big difference.The rightness or wrongness (is that a word?)of an action is determined by God, not me, and if it's right, then it's worth doing.

So fitting into the old jeans wasn't worth the effort. It wasn't sanctioned in the Word of God. However, rather than stopping and stuffing my chubby cheeks full of Reese's cups, I saw that the rightness of taking care of myself, as He commands, made it worth the effort. It was an epiphany. God sure can pack a lot of information in a few quiet minutes. I should be quiet more.

As I sit with my family, sufficiently full of healthy green salad and no-calorie water, I'm content because I know that I did the right thing for the right reasons. That halter dress is the next to go to Goodwill. That'll teach her to mock me.

Until tomorrow--Day 4....

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